Recruitify - Built using AWS Amplify, DynamoDB, Lambda, Bedrock

Recruitify - Built using AWS Amplify, DynamoDB, Lambda, Bedrock

Where Talent Meets Opportunity


4 min read

What I Built

Recruitify is a platform designed to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers. It provides a seamless experience for both parties to find the perfect match for their needs.



  • Create Job Postings: Employers can create detailed job listings specifying required skills, experience, location, and more.

  • Manage Applications: Employers can efficiently manage and validate applications received for their job postings.

Job Seeker

  • Browse Jobs: Job seekers can search and filter job listings based on their preferences.

  • Apply for Jobs: Easily apply for various job opportunities.

  • Receive Notifications: Get notified about new job listings that match your skills

Demo and Code

Recruitify is available here and the code is available on GitHub.


Browse Jobs Page

Browse Jobs Page

Edit Profile

Edit Profile

Create/Edit Job Posting

Create/Edit Job Posting

Create/Edit Job Posting2

Generate Job Description

Generate Job Description

Job Details Page (Job Creator)

Job Details Page (Job Creator)

Job Details Page (Job Seeker)

Job Details Page (Job Seeker)

Job Applications Page (Job Seeker)

Job Seeker

Job Applications Page (Job Creator)

Job Applications Page (Job Creator)

New Job Notification

New Job Notification


Tech Stack

  • Backend: AWS Amplify

  • Frontend: Angular 17, Angular Material, Tailwind CSS

  • AWS Technologies: Data (DynamoDB), Authentication (Cognito), Serverless Functions (Lambda), File Storage (S3), AI (Bedrock)

  • Hosting: AWS Amplify

Connected Components and Feature Full

This project uses Amplify-connected components for Angular - Authenticator for users to sign up and log in.

This project also integrates all four integrations - Data, Authentication, Serverless Functions, File Storage

AWS Amplify




Utilizes AWS Amplify Authentication for user sign-up and login via email which uses AWS Cognito services.

Configured in amplify/auth/resource.ts

export const auth = defineAuth({
  loginWith: {
    email: true,

Implemented with the Amplify UI component <amplify-authenticator> for Angular.


Utilizes AWS Amplify Data to store information about Users, Companies, and Jobs which uses AWS DynamoDB. Database Design is shown above.

Configured in amplify/data/resource.ts

Database Design



AWS Amplify S3 Storage is used for storing company logos and job seeker resumes.

Configured in amplify/storage/resource.ts

export const storage = defineStorage({
  name: 'recruitifyFiles',
  access: (allow) => ({
    'companyLogos/*': [['read', 'write']),['read', 'write'])
    'resumes/*': [['read', 'write']),['read', 'write'])

The files were uploaded using uploadData like below

 const result = await uploadData({
        data: this.previewUrl,
        path: `companyLogos/${this.authService?.userProfile?.id}`,

And the files were downloaded when necessary using downloadData like below

 downloadData({ path:[0].resume })


AWS Amplify Lambda Functions are used to send New Job Notifications to job seekers matching their skill set and Generate Job Descriptions to generate job descriptions for job creators.

Used AWS Amplify AppSync GraphQL API inside the function to find relevant job seekers and create new job notifications.

Used AWS Bedrock with Mistral AI Model inside the function to generate job descriptions.

Configured in amplify/functions/new-job/handler.ts

Triggered when a new job is created by an employer using a mutation in data like the below:

sendJobNotification: a.mutation()
    .arguments({ jobId: a.string(), companyId: a.string() })
    .authorization(allow => [allow.publicApiKey()])
      }).then((job) => {

Triggered generate job description like the below:

generateJobDescription: a.mutation()
    .arguments({ title: a.string(), minExperience: a.float(), skills: a.string(), domain: a.string() })
    .authorization(allow => [allow.publicApiKey()])
      title: this.createJobForm.value.title,
      skills: this.skills.join(','),
      domain: this.createJobForm.value.domain,
      minExperience: this.createJobForm.value.minExperience,
    }).then((response) => {
      if (response?.data) {
    }).finally(() => {

Used Mistral 7B model with prompt like this:

 const text = `
          Job Title: ${title}
          Job Domain: ${domain}
          Job Min Experience: ${minExperience} years
          Job Required Skills: ${skills}
    const prompt = `Your task is to generate a job description for below-given job details.

        Job Details: ${text}

        Job Description: `

And invoke the model like below:

const input = {
      modelId: "mistral.mistral-7b-instruct-v0:2",
      contentType: "application/json",
      accept: "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify({
        prompt: `<s>[INST] ${prompt} [/INST]`,
        max_tokens: 2000,
        temperature: 0.5,
    } as InvokeModelCommandInput;


Utilised AWS Hosting for seamless deployment of the application.

Future Scope

  • Application Notifications: Notifications for Job Application status changes for both job seekers and employers

  • Realtime chat messaging: Realtime chat messaging between job seeker and employer


Recruitify leverages the power of AWS Amplify to deliver a robust, full-stack application. There is a lot to learn while working with AWS and AWS Amplify toolkit along with Angular on this project.

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