Asynchronous Logging in Spring Boot using Logback

Asynchronous Logging in Spring Boot using Logback


3 min read


In modern software applications, logging plays a crucial role in monitoring and troubleshooting. However, traditional synchronous logging can sometimes impact application performance, as it blocks the main application thread while performing I/O operations. To overcome this challenge, Spring Boot provides seamless integration with Logback, a powerful logging framework, allowing you to implement asynchronous logging and improve the overall performance of your application.


Logback is a popular logging framework that's known for its flexibility and ease of integration. Spring Boot applications typically use Logback as the default logging framework due to its feature-rich capabilities.

Asynchronous Logging

Asynchronous logging involves offloading the logging tasks to a separate thread, allowing the main application thread to continue its work without being blocked by I/O-bound operations. This approach is particularly beneficial in high-throughput applications where performance and responsiveness are critical.

Configuring Asynchronous Logging with Logback

Let's dive into the steps required to set up asynchronous logging in a Spring Boot application using Logback:

Dependency Setup

First, ensure that you have the Logback dependency in your pom.xml:


Configuration File

Create a logback-spring.xml or logback.xml file in your src/main/resources folder. This file will contain the Logback configuration.

Async Appender

Define an asynchronous appender in your Logback configuration:

<appender name="ASYNC" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
    <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

Here, the CONSOLE appender can be replaced with any other appender like RollingFileAppender based on your preferences.

Async Configuration

Configure the asynchronous behavior by setting attributes like queueSize and discardingThreshold:

<appender name="ASYNC" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
    <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

The queueSize represents the number of log events that the asynchronous appender can queue before blocking. The discardingThreshold specifies whether to discard log events if the queue is full.

More options can be found here

Root Logger

Adjust the root logger to use the asynchronous appender:

<root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="ASYNC" />

Benefits and Considerations

  • Performance: Asynchronous logging improves performance by allowing the main thread to continue executing critical tasks without waiting for I/O operations.

  • Thread Management: Proper configuration of the queueSize and discardingThreshold is essential to prevent excessive memory usage and resource consumption.

  • Contextual Information: Be cautious when using thread-specific contextual information, as asynchronous logging may impact its accuracy.

Testing and Verification

To verify that asynchronous logging is working as expected, you can create a sample Spring Boot application and observe how the application's responsiveness improves, especially under heavy load.


Asynchronous logging in Spring Boot using Logback is a powerful technique to enhance the performance and responsiveness of your applications. By offloading logging tasks to separate threads, you can ensure that your application's main thread remains focused on critical tasks. Remember to fine-tune your configuration based on your application's requirements for optimal results. Happy logging!

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