SGB Analyzer - Analyze & Compare SGBs
Analyze & Compare Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) & Identify SGBs at Discounts!
Hello everyone, a couple of days ago, I wrote this post about the SGB Discount Calculator & created this tool
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I have been overwhelmed by the response received for this. Special thanks to Alok Jain sir for sharing this with his followers on Twitter.
2500 users used the website on the first day itself. There have been many feedback & feature requests that fellow Twitteratis have shared. I have tried my best to integrate these features, thus making this tool more like an analysis tool, thus changing the name to SGB Analyzer
Below are the new features that have been added as part of this update:
**Ask Price ** is now considered instead of Last Traded Price
Gold rate is fetched from IBJA per RBI reference.
More Accurate Calculations for Fair Value & Discounts
Ability to Download in-depth details of all SGBs in CSV format containing (Interest Payment Dates, Amount of Interest Payment Remaining, No of Interest payments remaining and a few more along with columns on the screen)
Added Today's Traded Volume column & Ability to filter only **liquid **bonds added
Added Yield To Maturity column
Added Discount to Gold Price column
Ability to Filter SGBs by searching
Ability to **Sort **all columns
Added missing 12 SGBs
Few UI/UX improvements
All these features & updates would have only been possible due to constant feedback from the community, would like to thank everyone who used it. Do contact me on Twitter or Email if you have any feedback or suggestions!
The tool is open-sourced on GitHub you can check it out here:
If you like this tool, do support me by using the "Support Me" button, and keep reading my content by subscribing to newsletters. Till next time, peace.
Disc: This is not a piece of investment advice. It is for educational purposes only. Do your due diligence before investing